Heritage Celebration



Mark your calendars for Heritage Celebration in 2020! Join friends both old and new as we gather to celebrate the unique cultural heritage of West Yellowstone and the neighboring Yellowstone National Park. We'll have a fun-filled evening, starting with our social hour, which also marks the start of the silent auction. Guests look forward to bidding on everything from wool blankets to overflowing gift baskets. Dinner follows, with another opportunity to garner a special item at the live auction. The event begins at 5:00 PM on Saturday, July 18th at the Union Pacific Dining Lodge in West Yellowstone.

Please find sponsorship and ticket purchase forms below!



Tickets to the annual Heritage Celebration include everything you need to have an enjoyable evening with friends. Your ticket will include admittance to the event, the opportunity to participate in the silent and live auctions as well as raffles, a delicious meal catered by Holiday Inn, table wine, entertainment, and dessert. Proceeds from ticket sales help support the Yellowstone Historic Center and the Museum of the Yellowstone.

Ticket Purchase Form 2020

Heritage Celebration Tickets


Please consider being a sponsor of the annual Heritage Celebration. Generosity of sponsors ensures the Yellowstone Historic Center can continue carrying out its mission to share the unique heritage of West Yellowstone and the Hebgen Lake Basin. If you are interested, please fill out the 2020 Sponsorship Form or choose your level of sponsorship and follow the link to PayPal to complete your sponsorship online.

Heritage Celebration Sponsorships

Sponsors of the 2019 Heritage Celebration

This event could not take place without the generous support of the community. Thank you!

Yellowstone Sponsors
Delaware North Companies

Old Faithful Sponsors
Randy and Jeanine Roberson of Brandin' Iron Inn
Mike & Andrea Manship

Madison Sponsors
Johnathan and Elysia Doyle
Linda Fontenot
Jim Harley

Firehole Sponsors
Cardon Realty LTD
C.S. Construction
Food Roundup
Madison Valley Bank
Sue and Roger Lang

Gibbon Sponsors
Sandra Stuart Love

Cochrane Accounting
Jane Ann Lamph
Joanne Mayo
Ruth Ann Williams Nydam
Katherine Schuelke
Uptown Image
Ventures West

Table Sponsors
Carol Ashton
John Church
Delaware North
Diamond P Ranch
Jan Dunbar
Glen Loomis
Madison Valley Bank
Mike and Andrea Manship
Ruth Ann Williams Nydam
Jim and Peggy Russell
Jerry Schmier
Steffi Siegel
Chipper and Amber Smith
Town of West Yellowstone
Ann Voda